Saturday, May 21, 2005

Take the Lawn way Home

When you are a homeowner, you lawn for a power mower.

Different from when you were younger and long for a paramour.

And not to be confused with a poker hand of a pair or more.

Generally, if you have a paramour, you at least have a pair.

Of course, if you’re like Cousin Becca, who may have dabbled with a pair or more.
(makes me wonder what women think of twin guys. But I digress)

Still, it may explain why she's in Paraguay. She probably thought they said pair of guys. And she said, ‘I’m there!’

But then, Cousin is so much like her mom, and has a fondness for men.

And someday I may write, “A Darkness of Auntie.” And tell you about it. But it will take some obfuscation.

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