Monday, May 02, 2005


"Dive! Dive! Dive!"
Amusing, the announcing voice at Phoenix airport is one of those computerized voices that has not changed in twenty years. It sounds just like the voice in the old submarine game I used to play on my old MAC Plus!
"Should we abandon ship, Captain?"
No, I think not. This is just a layover to Boston. But I shall at least add it to the list of cities I have touched for a moment, then leave it unchanged.
At least there is civilization here, you can sit in the bar can cut a butt. Amusing, now everyone carries matches.
I check the cell phone, there is a message from Wonder Girl. She tells me she loves me, it’s so nice to hear. I have not been gone for more than a few hours, but I miss her already.
They have started calling boarding, I have a few minutes to wait. It is so much more, hurry up, than wait. Security this and that. Ignore(mostly) the repeated warnings. We all know the these and those.
It was a bit of a walk, from one gate to the connecting gate. I welcome the walk. I didn’t have my walk this morning, and I think I have confused the poor Tommy-dog more. He is such a creature of habit; terribly broken routine, since I have been sick these last two weeks. No walks at the regularly scheduled time with the big guy. Just the walk with WG, but at different times every day. Tommy dog likes a proper routine.
And now I am gone for a week, further changing the routine. He will soooo not be talking to me when I get home!
Oh, time to go!

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