It is fun when something happens to me and I can sit back, assess the incident, then put a fun spin on what happened.
I had just finished a business dinner with ML. As he went off to his room, I stopped at the hostess station to get a copy of the bill. There was no one there so I scanned the restaurant to see where she was. Now there were two (good looking)young ladies having dinner in the restaurant. And as my eyes slid past them, I paused my glance for a split second on the one who was facing me.
(now I am adept at letting my glance just touch a woman, and not linger. For I know full well that if the glance lasts for more than a moment, she will feel creepy chills going up her spine and the hair on the back of her head will start to stand. Why should I ruin her dinner?)
And the young lady facing me was looking at me. When my gaze came back around, she was looking at me again.
A good looking young lady.
I waited a minute or two, then scanned the restaurant. Each time, this young lady was looking right at me!
Now if I was OTP, I would have smiled. Maybe gone over and chatted. After all, there was eye contact. But the days of a woman walking over to talk to me, and leaving a snail-trail; well, they are far in the past (if they ever existed.)
And I can split myself into parts and spin this story into two directions.
The hog knows that she was checking me out. And despite the fact that I am a bit older, she was debating what her next move was. After all, we were two people staying at a hotel, far from the city. There could be some interesting interactions if we wanted some brief companionship to ease the loneliness of being far from home.
The gentleman would be concerned that this older guy might have given her the creeps. Young ladies do not care to be ogled by an old guy.
Warty knows that the simple explanation is that, when she looked up at her friend, I was simply in her line of sight.
Nothing more.
Skinner thought the story was amusing.
Next stage of the glass panel...
9 years ago
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