Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Phase Two

You should read Phase One first.

Are you familiar with Earth Abides, Lucifer’s Hammer, No Blade of Grass, Some Will Not Die, The Stand, Alas Babylon, Damnation Alley, I am Legend?

I grew up with the constant threat of nuclear attack. Fallout shelters, duck and cover.
I have thought of ‘End of the World’ scenarios ever since I read Earth Abides. So I began reading what my High School library had to offer. And then you find out of other possible catastrophes.
Perhaps nuclear is less of a threat now, but there are other real threats. So, sometimes, I like to think of what I would do in that kind of a situation. It can be overwhelming, thinking of all the things to do.
A common theme is that you are all alone, friends and family are dead. How do you survive?
Radiation? Wild animals? Packs of starving dogs? Roving bands of criminals?
Survive you can, for a while, but then you think of companionship.
Would any live body do?
What if you can’t stand the people you meet?

So I think of the people I have known. How much do I like them? Would I want to see them? How far would I travel to find a person? Through what travails would I pass?

So when I look you in the eye and tell you, ‘I would travel cross country to find you.’, you will know what I mean

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