So we are now pretty well set. The last part of the sprinkler system is in. I hooked up the drip mist sections to the ferns, added a few to some big flower pots. And then turned the stations on one by one and adjusted the head. Looks good and I am pleased. Now, when we go on vacation, the lawns will not die and all the potted planed that Wonder Girl carefully tends, will be safe too.
There is still much to do before we are off on vacation.
Since it is summer and things are drying out, it’s time for the local wildlife to come browsing.
Can’t do too much about the birds, but the roof rats have started to show up. We don’t get many, but we usually see one a year. They are attracted by the plants and vegetable garden.
WG saw a large on last week, but Tommy (aka the Guardian pup) was snoozing and he missed it.
So, after I take Tommy to the kennel, I’ll put out the traps again. You can’t use poison because if Tommy catches a half dead rat, it will poison him too.
And the city frowns on shooting off a shotgun, in the city limits.
Maybe I could buy a pellet pistol?
Next stage of the glass panel...
9 years ago
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