Monday, June 06, 2005

I don’t like you.

Interesting, a few weeks ago, when I went in for the bi-monthly blood donation.
As I walked up to the technician, my first thought was, ‘I don’t like you.’ I don’t know why. She was a nondescript woman of about forty. She was competent, but not good. I can’t there was anything bad about her. I just didn’t like her.

Oh, and they have changed the questions and they ask them verbally now! Boy, talk about tiresome!
Did you have sex?
It’s okay for love, but not for money, or drugs.
Hmmm…Gas, Grass or Ass, nobody rides for free. (does barter count?)
Did you have it on a train?
Did you have it on a plane?
Do you like green eggs and Ham?
Sam I am…
But I digress

I’m gonna have to think of some new material to keep it amusing. Twitchy was the one who asked the questions. Poor gal seemed twitchier today. Now I like her, despite the fact that she is a bit of a Gorgon.

Who knows why, I certainly don’t.

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