I said there was danger in her smile.
A mere whisper.
Something in her eyes.
I hear a quiet warning.
It has bothered me for quite some time, trying to understand what it is. Tough when you really know so little about the person. When you only met them once.
Conversations on IM just don’t show you who the person is.
And then you read something that gives a hint.
It seems she was spending time with someone and she knew she should not. For that someone has a girlfriend.
So she isn’t the one who is cheating, but she is helping someone cheat. Almost as bad.
Now I think I know why I sensed danger in her eyes, in her smile.
I have nothing to fear, for we all know what the song says,
“For nobody would ever want to court a warthog.”
But still, I will be on my guard if I am ever over there again.
Next stage of the glass panel...
9 years ago
i know this girl...
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