I don't think much is talked about it, in regards to the delayed trauma. Everyone talks about the trauma at that time, or maybe the lack? But what about years later, when everything is fine. You hear some news and have to say, 'what's up with that?'
I was listening to some talk radio guys discussing the latest case of female teacher enjoying a male student, a little too much. They had a series of guys who called in and told stories of certain teachers they went to High School with and the misbehaviors.
So out of the thousands and thousands of interactions, there were some that went bad(or good). And all this made me wonder. The summer I was friends with my English teacher, RA. I used to go to her apartment, where we would sit around and shoot the breeze. Discuss what authors were talking about. Who knew the other meaning to, 'his vorpal blade went snicker, snack' It was fun, and she was a hottie, as were a few of her friends.
And then summer school was over, she changed jobs and cities. The story ends.
So now, years later, I hear stories of other teachers and I have to wonder, what was I really doing there? Yes guys, you know what pushes an instinct driven seventeen year old, through the fog of teenage hormones. But what drove her? Was I really that interesting to talk to? Come on, get real. It makes one wonder what were her motivations? I guess it wasn't my size thirteen's.
So now, years later, I have to deal what was probably simple rejection. And I thought the trauma of High school was buried in the past.
Do you think they'll believe that? Yes, my little friend tells me, they will believe the story.
Next stage of the glass panel...
9 years ago